Category: Wills & Trusts

Gaslighting an Elderly Person to Influence Will Beneficiaries

In recent years, the term “gaslighting” has come to prominence in the public arena. Describing manipulating behavior that makes the victim doubt their own memories or sanity, gaslighting is a type of abuse. One of the ways that gaslighting is used involves coercion. An example of this may include manipulating an elderly person into creating  … Read more

What Are Your Plans for Your Estate After You Die?

When you plan to buy a house, car or make an investment, it is common to carefully think through your actions. Although considering the impact on those you love following your death may feel uncomfortable, it is important to have a plan in place to provide support. If you have money, property or other valuables,  … Read more

Why Set Up a Special Needs Trust?

Are you concerned about the welfare of a special needs relative? When you are no longer around to take care of a disabled or elderly loved one, they may struggle to get by financially. Even if you have money that you could leave in a will, doing so could lead to greater hardship. Government benefit  … Read more

Advance Directives in Georgia

As we age, it is important to prepare for our future medical and financial care. This planning takes the burden off our loved ones and can bring us peace of mind knowing that our wishes will be carried out. There are several options to consider as you begin planning, and it can become overwhelming without  … Read more

Do You Need to Create a Special Needs Trust in Georgia?

If you care for a person with special needs, it may be time to think about what happens when you pass away. Ensuring that an elderly or disabled relative is looked after is not always as simple as it sounds. In fact, good intentions can often lead to a vulnerable person being left less financially  … Read more

What to Include in a Living Will

We all want to provide for our families after we pass on, but it is also important to leave instructions for our family members in the event a medical condition leaves us incapable of making medical decisions on our own. A living will is a way to care for your family and remove from them  … Read more

The Importance of Special Needs Planning

The challenges of parenting a special needs child can be daunting, and sometimes it is easy to delay the important things like financial planning for their future. A recent study conducted by the University of Illinois found that less than half of study participants had completed long-term planning for their special needs children. When to  … Read more

The Benefits of Estate Planning

Planning a vacation ahead of time allows for a more stress-free and relaxing time for our loved ones. Why do we not do the same with our estates? Everyone has an estate no matter how big or how little and will be handled by those we leave behind. Estate planning is one way to provide  … Read more

Advanced Directives and Living Wills

As individuals age, it’s likely that they will hear the terms advanced directive or living will. In some cases, however, a younger person might be asked if they have an advanced directive prior to a surgery. Even so, these written instructions are mostly associated with those that are terminally ill or in a coma, or  … Read more

Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT)

For purposes of a federal gift tax and estate tax, a Qualified Personal Resident Trust, or QPRT is an irrevocable trust that removes the value of a primary residence or a second home from an individual’s taxable estate. To be clear, once an agreement has been signed for an irrevocable trust, it cannot be changed.  … Read more