Category: Wills & Trusts

Aging Successfully—Will Your Support Network Look Out for Your Interests?

On television, childless older adults can be portrayed as carefree people, living without demands from dependents. In reality, having no children—or having relatives who aren’t available or reliable enough to handle your affairs—can leave you and your estate vulnerable if you become incapacitated. For this reason, one of your most crucial activities in life will  … Read more

A Revocable Living Trust Versus A Will: Differences You Should Know About

While both revocable living trusts and wills allow individuals to name beneficiaries for their property or estate, they serve different purposes. As an estate-planning tool, a revocable living trust is a document that can be changed according to one’s wishes or circumstances while he/she is living. Yet, they are mostly used to avoid the need  … Read more

Online Legal Services: When a Bargain Really Isn’t

A lot of online “legal services” are springing up, offering to perform comprehensive legal advice at a discount price. They tout their professionalism, and some offer “testimonials” citing how great their services are. While online legal services may seem like a bargain, the law is one area where it pays to work with trusted, experienced,  … Read more

Last Will and Testament…Maybe Not

You probably figure that whatever you put in your will is final. But depending on your family, and you of all people know your family best, your final wishes might not be taken into consideration the way you hoped they would. A will can be contested in the courts, ending up costing the intended recipients  … Read more

Be Prepared!

It’s the Boy Scout motto, and a wise piece of advice for life in general, but especially your finances! You never know when you’re going to have an emergency or unexpected rainy day; you also never know when you may unexpectedly pass away. Have you considered how your family will fare when it happens? There  … Read more