What Does Elder Abuse Look Like?

Taking several forms, elder abuse continues to be undetected and underreported across the United States, including Georgia. Yet, because it typically involves intentional cruelty towards at-risk adults, it is important to understand what elder abuse looks like and what to do if your loved one or family member is being exploited.
Perhaps you’ve noticed that your loved one or family friend is becoming easily agitated. Maybe you’ve observed them withdrawing or becoming increasingly anxious about being alone with certain people. Suppose they have made comments about being mistreated. Often subtle in nature, these signs and indicators could point to some form of elder abuse. Though physical abuse is often easier to detect, other forms such as emotional or mental abuse, as well as financial abuse, exploitation or neglect are not.
To better understand, when tactics such as harassment, insults, intimidation or isolation are used to leverage another’s power or control over an elder, this is considered emotional abuse. The Department of Human Services in Georgia reports that this form of abuse diminishes one’s identity, dignity and self-worth. In turn, when an at-risk person’s resources are used to benefit another, this is considered a form of financial exploitation. An example is when a person uses a Power of Attorney to misrepresent another, or when a person influences another to gain access to their money or government assistance. Furthermore, withholding or depriving an at-risk person what they need to survive such as food, water, shelter, medical care is also a form of abuse that is not always easy to identify.
While Georgia law requires that mandated reporters speak up in cases of suspected abuse, it is equally important for others to make a report when they believe that an elder is being abused or exploited in any way.
Compassionate, Strong Approach to Elder Abuse Claims
Turner Law, LLC, understands the level of care needed by at-risk adults, as well as those that are incapacitated. With high ethical standards and professionalism, Attorney Robert Turner takes a compassionate, yet strong approach to elder abuse claims. If you suspect that a loved one is being abused or exploited, Turner Law invites you to call today for an initial consultation.
Posted on the behalf of Turner Law, LLC