The Future Of Your Healthcare: Is It In The Hands Of Someone You Trust?

For those that are independent, well and active, it’s difficult to consider the future of their healthcare if they succumb to a serious accident or illness, not to mention advanced age. Yet, if something happens and the person is not able to direct his or her own medical care, how can they be sure that their healthcare is in the hands of someone they trust?
The reality concerning a person’s future healthcare is that if an individual has not been named or appointed to handle important matters such as their final wishes or preferred medical treatment, these decisions might wind up in the hands of estranged family members, physicians, judges or other individuals that do not know the person at all. Thus, it’s wise to set out one’s wishes for medical care through an advanced health care directive such as a living will and a durable power of attorney. By doing so, an individual can be certain that specified care would be provided to them if they cannot speak for themselves.
Advanced Directive For Health Care
In the state of Georgia, a living will is combined with a medical power of attorney into one form—an advanced directive for health care. While this form documents medical treatment and care desired, it also names a particular person that the individual trusts to make decisions on his or her behalf. Though the form does not need to be notarized, two witnesses that are not directly involved in the person’s healthcare or estate, according to NOLO, must sign it.
Individuals are encouraged to provide copies of the advanced directive to their physician, hospital or insurance carrier, as well as with family members and friends. Doing so can ensure that the medical care that one desires is given, no matter what happens.
Everyone Should Have a Living Will
Decatur, GA attorney Robert Turner of Turner Law understands that many people, particularly young, healthy individuals, never think about establishing a living will or other documents designating their preferred medical care. Even so, Mr. Turner believes that everyone should have a living will, because even a minor accident can result in a terminal condition that impairs one’s ability to make decisions.
If you or someone you love needs guidance or assistance in crafting an advanced healthcare directive or living will, attorney Robert Turner remains a trusted source for creating documents that are legally sound and binding. For a free initial phone consultation, call Turner Law today.
Posted on the behalf of Turner Law, LLC